The USS Missouri - one of the last four Iowa class battleships


Be sure to bookmark this page if you are a museum curator or a serious collector who might be interested in purchasing this magnificent fully-functioning one-of-a-kind 9' scale model of the proud USS Missouri battleship.

Below is the official navy photograph of the USS Missouri by John Bouvia (USN). It is at Pearl Harbour, June 1991. The little white dots along the decks are crew in dress uniform - she carried 1921 crewmen.

You can see more terrific photos of her at the Iowa Class Preservation Association web site, including this one, my favourite.

Read a terrific history of the Missouri

This is the magnificent model of the USS Missouri built by Frank Pethick of Hastings, Ontario, Canada - 5 years in the making!

Features of this amazing model:

Frank built this battleship entirely from scratch, not from a kit. It weighs 210 pounds. Every detail was lovingly and carefully created, no matter how long it took - even the deck planking consists of individually carved wooden planks! The ship also supports:

If you are interested in purchasing this one-of-a-kind monument to American naval history, you can phone Frank at


or Dave at 416-284-2552

Or, you can email Dave Barnett .

This page was posted by steve gilchrist in January of 1998